Sprawdzanie, czy dzisiejszy, "cronowy" playbook wykonał się prawidłowo
cat ansible.log | grep -E "^$(date "+%Y-%m-%d").*failed" | grep -Ev "failed\=0" | wc -l
Zakładając, że powyższe polecenie jest w pliku i ścieżka do pliku z logami jest poprawna, można wysłać raport raport na IRC:
--- - name: Send status on IRC hosts: tasks: - name: Check failed tasks command: '/usr/bin/bash /home/lukasz/ansible/helpers/' register: fails - name: Send a report to a fedora-pl channel irc: server: port: 6667 nick: raport channel: '#fedora-pl' msg: "[ANSIBLE] Todays failed tasks: {{ fails['stdout_lines'][0] }}."
Plik konfiguracyjny
[defaults] inventory=~/ansible/hosts log_path=~/ansible/var/ansible.log remote_user=ansemble interpreter_python=auto_silent [privilege_escalation] become=True become_ask_pass=False become_method=sudo [persistent_connection] [connection] [colors] [selinux] [diff] [galaxy] [inventory] [netconf_connection] [paramiko_connection] [jinja2] [tags] [runas_become_plugin] [su_become_plugin] [sudo_become_plugin] [callback_tree] [ssh_connection] ssh_args = -C -o ServerAliveInterval=33 -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=66s timeout=21 [winrm] [inventory_plugins] [inventory_plugin_script] [inventory_plugin_yaml] [url_lookup] [powershell] [vars_host_group_vars]
Ustawienie auto_silent usuwa ostrzeżenia o wersji Pythona z każdego przebiegu playbooków. Warto użyć nazwy użytkownika, która nie jest zbyt często zgadywana przez boty.
Pętle w playbookach oraz helpery
Przykład playbooka korzystącego z pętli:
--- - name: Enable users hosts: all tasks: - name: Ensure that users exists and are in correct groups include_tasks: helpers/users_enable.yaml loop: - {username: lukasz, comment: Lukasz, sshkey: "{{ lookup('file', 'ssh_keys/lukasz') }}"} # - name: Ensure that users can not login # include_tasks: helpers/users_disable.yaml # loop: # - {username: qwerty, comment: QWERTY, sshkey: "{{ lookup('file', 'ssh_keys/QWERTY') }}"}
Plik helpers/user_enable.yaml:
- debug: msg: user - {{ item.username }} - name: Ensure user exists and is in correct groups on FreeBSD user: name: "{{ item.username }}" comment: "{{ item.comment }}" shell: /usr/local/bin/bash groups: wheel append: yes when: ansible_os_family == 'FreeBSD' - name: Ensure user exists and is in correct groups on Gentoo and RedHat-like hosts user: name: "{{ item.username }}" comment: "{{ item.comment }}" shell: /bin/bash groups: wheel append: yes when: ansible_os_family == 'Gentoo' or ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - name: Ensure user exists and is in correct groups on Debian-like hosts user: name: "{{ item.username }}" comment: "{{ item.comment }}" shell: /bin/bash groups: sudo append: yes when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - name: Set authorized SSH keys for user authorized_key: user: "{{ item.username }}" key: "{{ item.sshkey }}" state: present exclusive: True - name: Ensure user is able to log in user: name: "{{ item.username }}" password_lock: no - name: Set permissions to home directory file: path: /home/{{ item.username }} owner: "{{ item.username }}" group: "{{ item.username }}" mode: '700'
Plik helpers/user_disable.yaml:
- debug: msg: user - {{ item.username }} - name: Ensure user is not able to log in user: name: "{{ item.username }}" password_lock: yes - name: Unset authorized SSH keys for user authorized_key: user: "{{ item.username }}" key: "{{ item.sshkey }}" state: absent - name: Set permissions to home directory on Linux file: owner: root group: root path: /home/{{ item.username }} mode: '700' when: ansible_os_family == 'Gentoo' or ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' or ansible_os_family == 'Debian' - name: Set permissions to home directory on FreeBSD file: owner: root group: wheel path: /home/{{ item.username }} mode: '700' when: ansible_os_family == 'FreeBSD'
Plik w katalogu ssh_keys jest skopiowany z ~/.ssh/
Ansible 2.9 na CentOS Stream 8
W repozytorium ósmego Streama pojawiły się pakiety ansible-core w nowych wersjach, niekompatybilne z playbookami pisanymi pod wersję 2.9. Stara wersja jest wciąż dostępna na EPEL-u:
dnf install epel-release dnf install ansible --exclude=ansible-core
Do pliku /etc/yum.conf warto dodać wyjątek, żeby nie musieć o nim ciągle pamiętać.
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